So you somehow managed to arrive here. *Drops a bucket on your head*
Welcome to FullColour X, a site created from imagination, and which thrives on everyone's imagination!
As per Forummotion and the general society of "abnormal" people, there are some rules over here. And they are...
1. Have fun. The most basic rule ever.
2. No sexual or extremely gory stuff, political and religious talk, or excessive swearing in any language (use of damn, heck, hell, "marshmallows drenched in blood/enzymes", "yandere killer" (Japanese) are allowed. Mild euphemisms are also allowed. Not the very "F" word, though.). Anything involving these and the poster will receive a warning/temporary to permanent ban ranging on the intensity.
3. Do not insult other users. Or be super-insulting stuff such as "What in the- ______'s so retarded bye..." will result in the poster getting a warning. (3 warnings in a row result in a temporary ban)
4. Maintain a minimum level of grammar and punctuation. You don't have to be too good, just legit enough so that everyone understands you.
5. Only English and other languages in English script is allowed. (Japanese in the Romaji script is EXTREMELY WELCOMEEEEE!)
6. Please share only safe links. We don't want viruses running about here.
7. No off-topic posting. Looks weird. And you risk yourself getting laughed at.
8. Lastly, but not the least... have fun. (Wait, I did say that before!)
This forum uses BBCode. Using BBCode, you can do stuff like
THIS and
this and
this and
this and... this ->
There is a Private Messaging system here. Use this if you want to talk in private.
Edit your profile as much as you want!
... So, that's it. If any technical support is needed, go to our "Support 24/7" forum and post a topic for help.
If you see violations of the rule, just push the "report" button.
For any other prob, feel free to PM me.
Bye! *Drops a bathtub on your head*